kubectl create serviceaccount <sa-name> --namespace <ns-name></ns-name></sa-name>
kubectl get serviceaccount <sa-name> --namespace <ns-name> -o yaml</ns-name></sa-name>
kubectl get sa <sa-name> -o json --namespace <ns-name> | jq -r .secrets[].name</ns-name></sa-name>
kubectl get secret -o json --namespace <ns-name> | jq -r '.data["ca.crt"]' | base64 -d > ca.crt</ns-name></secret-name>
kubectl get secret <secret-name> -o json --namespace <ns-name> | jq -r '.data["token"]' | base64 -d</ns-name></secret-name>
kubectl config view -o yaml | grep server
kubectl config set-cluster <cluster-name> --embed-certs=true --server=<cluster-ip> --certificate-authority=<path/to/certificate>
--server=<cluster-ip> is
--certificate-authority=<path certificate>
kubectl config set-credentials --token=
kubectl config set-context <context-name> --cluster=<cluster-name> --user=<credentials-name> --namespace=<ns-name></ns-name></credentials-name></cluster-name></context-name>
--namespace=<ns-name> -
kubectl config use-context <context-name>
kubectl get pods -n <ns-name>
At Descartes Labs, we process petabytes of satellite imagery on a daily basis that we store in GCP. We use labels to tag our Google Cloud Storage buckets by functional business area so that we have better visibility into how resource usage looks across departments. We also use labels with Google Compute Engine to identify the processing pipelines across different areas of our environment so that we have an accurate view of how resource costs map to our business. We can easily track any cost changes by exporting resource billing details to Big Query and using Data Studio Dashboards.
—Tim Kelton, Co-Founder and Cloud Architect, Descartes Labs
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