gcloud app create --region europe-west
"PostgreSQL is one of Segment’s most popular database targets for our Warehouses product. Analysts and administrators appreciate its rich set of OLAP features and the portability they’re ensured by it being open source. In an increasingly “serverless” world, Google’s Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL offering allows our customers to eschew costly management and operations of their PostgreSQL instance in favor of effortless setup, and the NoOps cost and scaling model that GCP is known for across their product line." — Chris Sperandio, Product Lead, Segment
"At Xplenty, we see steady growth of prospects and customers seeking to establish their data and analytics infrastructure on Google Cloud Platform. Data integration is always a key challenge, and we're excited to support both Google Cloud Spanner and Cloud SQL for PostgreSQL both as data sources as well as targets, to continue helping companies integrate and prepare their data for analytics. With the robustness of Cloud Spanner and the popularity of PostgreSQL, Google continues to innovate and prove it is a world leader in cloud computing." — Saggi Neumann, CTO, Xplenty
echo "<?php echo 'Hello, World';"> index.php gcloud app deploy
env: flex runtime: php runtime_config: document_root: .
composer require "php:7.1.*" --ignore-platform-reqs
composer require google/cloud
{ "require": { "google/cloud": "^0.24.0" } }
<?php require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php'; $client = new Google\Cloud\BigQuery\BigQueryClient(); $query = 'SELECT TOP(corpus, 10) as title, COUNT(*) as unique_words ' . 'FROM [publicdata:samples.shakespeare]'; $queryResults = $client->runQuery($query); foreach ($queryResults->rows() as $result) { print($result['title'] . ': ' . $result['unique_words'] . PHP_EOL); }
gcloud app deploy gcloud app browse
“Encryption is absolutely critical to any company managing their own systems, transmitting data over a network or storing sensitive data, including sensitive system configurations. Cloud KMS makes it easy to implement best practices for secret management, and its low latency allows us to use it for protecting frequently retrieved secrets. Cloud KMS gives us the cryptographic tools necessary to protect our secrets, and the features to keep encryption practical.” — Leonard Austin, CTO at Ravelin.
“Gemalto is dedicated to multi-cloud enterprise key management by ensuring customers have the best choices to maintain high assurance key ownership and control as they migrate operations, workloads and data to the cloud. Gemalto KeySecure has supported Client-Side Encryption with Google Cloud Storage for years, and is now extending support for Customer Supplied Encryption Keys (CSEK)." — Todd Moore SVP of Encryption Products at Gemalto
"We are excited to announce the first of many powerful capabilities leveraging Google's Customer Supplied Encryption Keys (CSEK). Our new Ionic Protect for Cloud Storage solution enables developers to simply and seamlessly use their own encryption keys with the full capabilities of the Ionic platform while natively leveraging Google Cloud Storage.” — Adam Ghetti, Founder and CEO of Ionic
"KeyNexus helps customers supply their own keys to encrypt their most sensitive data across Google Cloud Platform as well as hundreds of other bring-your-own-key (BYOK) use cases spanning SaaS, IaaS, mobile and on-premise, via secure REST APIs. Customers choose KeyNexus as a centralized, platform-agnostic, key management solution which they can deploy in numerous highly available, scalable and low latency cloud or on-premise configurations. Using KeyNexus, customers are able to supply keys to encrypt data server-side using Customer-Supplied Encryption Keys (CSEKs) in Google Cloud Storage and Google Compute Engine" — Jeff MacMillan, CEO of KeyNexus
“Protected by FIPS 140-2 Level 3 certified hardware, the Thales nShield HSM uses strong methods to generate encryption keys based on its high-entropy random number generator. Following generation, nShield exports customer keys into the cloud for one-time use via Google’s Customer-Supplied Encryption Key functionality. Customers using Thales nShield HSMs and leveraging Google Cloud Platform can manage their encryption keys from their own environments for use in the cloud, giving them greater control over key material” — Sol Cates, Vice President Technical Strategy at Thales e-Security
“Virtru offers business privacy, encryption and data protection for Google Cloud. Virtru lets you choose where your keys are hosted and how your content is encrypted. Whether for Google Cloud Storage, Compute Engine or G Suite, you can upload Virtru-generated keys to Google’s CSEK or use Virtru’s client-side encryption to protect content before upload. Keys may be stored on premise or in any public or private cloud." — John Ackerly, Founder and CEO of Virtru
runtime: aspnetcore env: flex
dotnet restore dotnet publish -c Release copy app.yaml .\bin\Release\netcoreapp1.0\publish\app.yaml gcloud beta app deploy .\bin\Release\netcoreapp1.0\publish\app.yaml gcloud app browse
gcloud container clusters create cluster-1 gcloud container clusters get-credentials cluster-1
steps: - name: 'gcr.io/gcp-runtimes/aspnetcorebuild-1.0:latest' - name: gcr.io/cloud-builders/docker:latest args: [ 'build', '-t', 'gcr.io/<projectid>/app:0.0.1', '--no-cache', '--pull', '.' ] images: ['gcr.io/<projectid>/app:0.0.1']
dotnet restore dotnet publish -c Release gcloud container builds submit --config=cloudbuild.yaml .\bin\release\netcoreapp1.0\publish\
kubectl run --image=gcr.io//app:latest --replicas=2 --port=8080 kubectl expose deployment --port=80 --target-port=8080 --type=LoadBalancer kubectl get services
using Google.Cloud.Diagnostics.AspNetCore; ... public void Configure(ILoggerFactory loggerFactory) { loggerFactory.AddGoogle("<projectid>"); } ... public void LogMessage(ILoggerFactory loggerFactory) { var logger = loggerFactory.CreateLogger("[My Logger Name]"); logger.LogInformation("This is a log message."); }
public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app) { string projectId = ""; string serviceName = ""; string version = ""; app.UseGoogleExceptionLogging(projectId, serviceName, version); }
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services) { services.AddGoogleTrace(""); } ... public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app) { app.UseGoogleTrace(); }
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