instances create
gcloud beta compute instances create example-instance --machine-type n1-standard-1 --min-cpu-platform “Intel Broadwell”
gcloud beta compute instances create example-instance --custom-cpu 2 --custom-memory 15 --custom-extensions
“Google's experience is that having a uniform substrate for developing and operating microservices is critical to our ability to scale while maintaining both feature velocity and reliability” — Eric Brewer, Vice President, Google Cloud
(MTTD + MTTR) * (365.25 / MTBF) * percent of affected users
"With Google Cloud IoT Core, we have been able to connect large fleets of bicycles to the cloud and quickly build a smart transportation fleet management tool that provides operators with a real-time view of bicycle utilization, distribution and performance metrics, and it forecasts demand for our customers." — Jose L. Ugia, VP Engineering, Noa Technologies
“Cloud Spanner is a game-changer because it offers horizontally scalable, strongly consistent, highly available OLTP infrastructure in the cloud for the first time. To accelerate migrations, we recommend that customers replicate their data continuously between the source OLTP database and Cloud Spanner, thereby maintaining both infrastructures in the same state — this allows them to migrate their workloads gradually in a predictable manner.”
“Informatica customers are stretching the limits of latency and data volumes, and need innovative enterprise-scale capabilities to help them outperform their competition. We are excited about Cloud Spanner because it provides a completely new way for our mutual customers to disrupt their markets. For integration, migration and other use cases, we are partnering with Google to help them ingest data into Cloud Spanner and integrate a variety of heterogeneous batch, real-time, and streaming data in a highly scalable, performant and secure way.”
"Cloud Spanner is one of those cloud-based technologies for which businesses have been waiting: With its horizontal scalability and ACID compliance, it’s ideal for those who seek the lower TCO of a fully managed cloud-based service without sacrificing the features of a legacy, on-premises database. In our experience with customers migrating to Cloud Spanner, important considerations include accounting for data types, embedded code and schema definitions, as well as understanding Cloud Spanner’s security model to efficiently migrate your current security and access-control implementation."
"As our work with GCP scaled, we started looking for ways to streamline our projects, Thanks to Cloud Resource Manager, we now centrally control and monitor how resources are created and billed in our domain. We use IAM and Folders to provide our departments with the autonomy and velocity they need, without losing visibility into resource access and usage. This has significantly reduced our management overhead, and had a direct positive effect on our ability to support our customers at scale.” — Marcin Kołda, Senior Software Engineer at Ocado Technology.
# Find your Organization ID me@cloudshell:~$ gcloud organizations list DISPLAY_NAME ID DIRECTORY_CUSTOMER_ID 358981462196 C03ryezon # Create first level folder “Engineering” under the Organization node me@cloudshell:~$ gcloud alpha resource-manager folders create --display-name=Engineering --organization=358981462196 Waiting for [operations/fc.2201898884439886347] to finish...done. Created [<Folder createTime: u'2017-04-16T22:49:10.144Z' displayName: u'Engineering' lifecycleState: LifecycleStateValueValuesEnum(ACTIVE, 1) name: u'folders/1000107035726' parent: u'organizations/358981462196'>]. # Add a Folder Admin role to the “Engineering” folder me@cloudshell:~$ gcloud alpha resource-manager folders add-iam-policy-binding 1000107035726 --role=roles/resourcemanager.folderAdmin bindings: - members: - - role: roles/resourcemanager.folderAdmin - members: - role: roles/resourcemanager.folderEditor etag: BwVNX61mPnc= # Check the IAM policy set on the “Engineering” folder me@cloudshell:~$ gcloud alpha resource-manager folders get-iam-policy 1000107035726 bindings: - members: - - role: roles/resourcemanager.folderAdmin - members: - role: roles/resourcemanager.folderEditor etag: BwVNX61mPnc= # Create second level folder “Product_A” under folder “Engineering” me@cloudshell:~$ gcloud alpha resource-manager folders create --display-name=Product_A --folder=1000107035726 Waiting for [operations/fc.2194220672620579778] to finish...done. Created []. # Crate third level folder “Development” under folder “Product_A” me@cloudshell:~$ gcloud alpha resource-manager folders create --display-name=Development --folder=1000107035726 Waiting for [operations/fc.3497651884412259206] to finish...done. Created []. # List all the folders under the Organization me@cloudshell:~$ gcloud alpha resource-manager folders list --organization=358981462196 DISPLAY_NAME PARENT_NAME ID IT organizations/358981462196 575615098945 Engineering organizations/358981462196 661646869517 Operations organizations/358981462196 895951706304 # List all the folders under the “Engineering” folder me@cloudshell:~$ gcloud alpha resource-manager folders list --folder=1000107035726 DISPLAY_NAME PARENT_NAME ID Product_A folders/1000107035726 732853632103 Product_B folders/1000107035726 941564020040 # Create a new project in folder “Product_A” me@cloudshell:~$ gcloud alpha projects create my-awesome-service-2 --folder 732853632103 Create in progress for [].Waiting for [operations/pc.2821699584791562398] to finish...done. # List projects under folder “Production” me@cloudshell:~$ gcloud alpha projects list --filter '' PROJECT_ID NAME PROJECT_NUMBER my-awesome-service-1 my-awesome-service-1 869942226409 my-awesome-service-2 my-awesome-service-2 177629658252
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