"The regional expansion of Google Cloud Platform to Australia will help enable PwC's rapidly growing need to experiment and innovate and will further extend our work with Google Cloud. It not only provides a reliable and resilient platform that can support our firm's core technology needs, it also makes available to us, GCP's market leading technologies and capabilities to support the unprecedented demand of our diverse and evolving business." —Hilda Clune, Chief Information Officer, PwC Australia
"Monash University has one of the most ambitious digital transformation agendas in tertiary education. We're executing our strategy at pace and needed a platform which would give us the scale, flexibility and functionality to respond rapidly to our development and processing needs. Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and in particular App Engine have been a great combination for us, and we're very excited at the results we're getting. Having Google Cloud Platform hosted now in Australia is a big bonus."
—Trevor Woods, Chief Information Officer, Monash University
Modern geophysical technologies place a huge demand on supercomputing resources. Woodside utilises Google Cloud as an on-demand solution for our large computing requirements. This has allowed us to push technological boundaries and dramatically reduce turnaround time.
— Sean Salter, VP Technology,Woodside Energy Ltd.
"We are excited to be able to deploy into the GCP Singapore region, as it will allow us to offer our services closer to BBM Messenger key markets. Coupled with Google's global load balancers and extensive global network, we expect to be able to provide a low latency, high-speed experience for our users globally. During our POCs, we found that GCP outperformed most vendors on key metrics such as disk I/O and network performance on like-for-like benchmarks. With sustained usage discounts and continuous support from Google's PSO and account team, we are excited to make GCP the foundation for the next generation of BBM consumer services." — Matthew Talbot, CEO of Creative Media Works, the company that runs BBM Messenger Consumer globally.
"As one of the largest and fastest growing mobile classifieds marketplaces in the world, Carousell needed a platform that was agile enough for a startup, but could scale quickly as we expand. We found all these qualities in the Google Cloud Platform (GCP), which gives us a level of control over our systems and environment that we didn't find elsewhere, along with access to cutting edge technologies. We're thrilled that GCP is launching in Singapore, and look forward to being inspired by the way Google does things at scale." — Jordan Dea-Mattson, Vice President Engineering, Carousell
"We are extremely pleased with the performance of GCP, and we are excited about the opportunities opening in Indonesia and other markets, and making use of the Singapore Cloud Region. The outcomes we’ve achieved in scaling, stability and other areas have proven how fantastic it is to have Google and GCP among our key service partners." — Ajey Gore, CTO, Go-Jek
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